mardi 22 novembre 2011

The Hedgehog-Kid > short story written by Youssef Rzouga ( Tunisia )

The Devil is afraid of the angels
Better for kids to remain kids

 painting by AÍDA EMART - México

The story takes place in 3030, in New Moo.
His name’s Well Jr.
He has an angelic face with a good nose. Nature has cursed him with a good nose. He comes from a very poor family. At the age of seven, something caught him on the nose. He’s ruined his olfactory system , since then…
* what has happened to him?
- his life has been turned upside down.
He coughs oddly  and when he coughs non-stop: atishoo! atishoo!...
* so what?
- this means that there is someone who lies near to his nose. That’s how he became the Hedgehog-Kid because he sniffs like a hedgehog when a lie tickles his nose :.. atishoo! atishoo!
Some say his family has a history of allergy and others say something else. Well Jr becomes a legend and since then…
*how is he getting on?
- He became known, well-known throughout the country.
HE feel sorry for himself. he leads a secluded life in order to avoid hurting someone.
he can not stay away from school and street.
In class, a friend of his, tried to cheat in an exam. Well Jr began to cough nonstop. It was a scandal and the punishment.
A greengrocer turned to the scales to weigh two kilos of tomatoes  but something weighed in his favour. Well Jr began to cough non-stop: atishoo! Atishoo! His reputation as a greengrocer falls in.
A man dressed up to the mines gave a great long speech about tolerance. - Trust me!
Everyone agreed about it . Well Jr smiled
- I’ve got an itchy nose : atishoo! atishoo! but.. he continued “I won’t tolerate being lied to”.
A war correspondent on television: - the facts and results speak for themselves
- atishoo! Atishoo! Responded Well Jr, but thousands of children die every day!
His caugh infected children of every age
In short, it was panic in society and in certain official circles.
After careful consideration, the local people promised each other they’d never lie
each one of them, felt the remark will be aimed at him, one day
during a routine visit, the head of government has appealed to the Hedgehog-Kid
- come here, my child, I know what happened, thank you for doing something for your country, I hope you’re happy, just look what you’ve done but it’s good thing you’ve told me: - are you being attended to?
very shy as he is, instead of saying no, he said yes
To everyone’s surprise, the head of government instead of having a contented smile, he began to cough: atishoo! atishoo! It remains to be seen whether it’s true, isn’t it? he said. It isn’t nice to tell lies but… he continued smiling “ where is the truth?” .
- It’s under your nose Minister!  atishoo ! atishoo! responded Well Jr, smiling.
* OK, I understand! I’ll take care of you, your wish is my command.
- all I ask Minister is someone to play with.

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